RNA NanoMed, ISRNN Press.org

RNA NanoMed

Due to the rapid growth of the field of RNA and its potential applications including RNA therapeutics, it is encouraging to have an RNA journal that advances the field by bridging the fundamental research and application of RNA. The prediction that RNA will become the third milestone in drug development has become a reality.  The establishment of an RNA journal related to this field by the International Society for RNA Nanotechnology and Nanomedicine (ISRNN) will be in line with the vision and mission of the society.

About Us

Editorial for the Inaugural Issue

The recent discovery of the critical role of  RNA in biological systems has revolutionized our understanding of molecular biology. It was found that only 1.5% of the human genome encodes for proteins, while the remaining 98.5% of the human genome mainly codes for small or long non-coding RNA. These unexpected findings have significantly transformed life sciences. Recent FDA approval of RNAi drugs and COVID-19 mRNA vaccines has highlighted the potential of RNA therapeutics in clinics. These breakthroughs underscore RNA's emergence as a cornerstone of modern medicine, as documented by Nobel Prize awards in Medicine or Physiology in 2023 and 2024. I am pleased that my 2014 publication predicted that RNA would be the third milestone in pharmaceutical drug development, which is now being realized.

Table of Contents

Review Articles
Harnessing Computational Approaches for RNA-Targeted Drug Discovery

Yuanzhe Zhou1, Shi-Jie Chen1,2,*

ISRNN (Volume 1; Issue 1, 2024) Page: 1-15.
[View the article] DOI:10.59566/ISRNN.2024.0101001

Targeted Delivery of Potent Chemical Drugs and RNAi to Drug-Resistant Breast Cancer Using RNA-Nanotechnology and RNA-Ligand Displaying Extracellular vesicles

Yuan Soon Ho1*, Tzu-Chun Cheng1, Peixuan Guo2*

ISRNN (Volume 1; Issue 1, 2024) Page: 16-43.
[View the article] DOI:10.59566/ISRNN.2024.0101016

Applications of Surface Plasmon Resonance for Advanced Studies Involving Nucleic Acids

Katelynn Pranger1, Kenya Rosas2, Dmitriy Khon2, Emil Khisamutdinov1*

ISRNN (Volume 1; Issue 1, 2024) Page: 44-60.
[View the article] DOI:10.59566/ISRNN.2024.0101044

Original Research Articles

Co-incubation of Short Amphiphilic Peptides with Dicer Substrate RNAs Results in β-Sheet Fibrils for Enhanced Gene Silencing in Cancer Cells

Kshitij Gupta1+, 2, Lorena Parlea1+, Mathias Viard1, 3, Katelyn Smith4, Anu Puri1, Joseph T. Bergman1, Taejin Kim1, 5, and Bruce A. Shapiro1*

ISRNN (Volume 1; Issue 1, 2024) Page: 61-78.
[View the article] DOI:10.59566/ISRNN.2024.0101061

The Reduction of Traumatic Spinal Cord Secondary Injury by Anti-RhoA siRNA Functionalized Nucleic Acid Nanoparticles (NANPs)

Damian Beasock1#, Morgan Chandler1#, Yasmine Radwan1, Zhen Liao2, Fuying Ma2, Ken Webb3, Martin Panigaj1*, Jeoung Soo Lee2*, Kirill A. Afonin1*

ISRNN (Volume 1; Issue 1, 2024) Page: 79-90.
[View the article] DOI:10.59566/ISRNN.2024.0101079

pH-responsive bond as a linker for the release of chemical drugs from RNA–drug complexes in endosome or lysosome

Piotr Rychahou1, *, #, Sijin Guo2, 3, #, Yinan Zhang4, Nicole Rychagov1,5, Yekaterina Y. Zaytseva1, Heidi L. Weiss1, B. Mark Evers1, Peixuan Guo6

ISRNN (Volume 1; Issue 1, 2024) Page: 91-108.
[View the article] DOI:10.59566/ISRNN.2024.0101091

Conversion of Chemical Drugs into Targeting Ligands on RNA Nanoparticles and Assessing Payload Stoichiometry for Optimal Biodistribution in Cancer Treatment

Congcong Xu1, †, Hongran Yin1,†, Tesla Yudhistira1, Zhefeng Li1, Daniel W Binzel1,*, Peixuan Guo1, 2, *

ISRNN (Volume 1; Issue 1, 2024) Page: 109-123.
[View the article] DOI:10.59566/ISRNN.2024.0101109